
And now for the fun part! Let’s dive into the experiments!

We recommend doing them in order since they usually build on the lessons from the previous experiment:

  1. Blinking an LED
    • Learn the basics of programming the Arduino Dock by turning an LED on and off.
  2. Blinking Multiple LEDs
    • Learn some more programming concepts by controlling multiple LEDs at once.
  3. Reading a Potentiometer
    • Read an analog input value from a potentiometer (knob) and use it to control your circuit.
  4. Reading a Button
    • We’ll use a push button to control LEDs and learn about interrupts along the way.
  5. Sensing Ambient Temperature
    • Use an analog temperature sensor to report ambient temperature to the Omega.
  6. Sensing Ambient Light Intensity
    • Use a photoresistor and a voltage divider circuit to report ambient light intensity to the Omega.
  7. Using a Buzzer
    • We’ll make our very own doorbell code and circuit.
  8. Controlling Servos
    • Learn about object oriented programming and generating pulse width modulated signals to control servomotors
  9. Reading a Keypad
    • Use a keypad to physically password protect a part of a program
  10. Using a Shift Register
    • Learn how to use a shift register to effectively expand the number of GPIOs available to us and make a sweet effect with a bunch of LEDs
  11. Controlling a 7-Segment Display
    • Send text from the Omega and display it on a 7-segment display!